

Enrolment decisions in public schools are made according to criteria based on age, residential location, visa status and educational needs. As a local intake school, Beaumaris Primary School prioritises the enrolment of children who reside within the local intake area. If you do not live in our local intake area, you are still very welcome to apply to enrol at our school.

Beaumaris Primary School Local Intake Map

A birth certificate and proof of address (Utility bills, Rental agreement etc) must accompany the Part – A: Application for Enrolment form. If applicable, you should also supply evidence of visa subclass, If your child is not a permanent resident of Australia, you will be required to supply evidence of visa subclass. You will also be required to present your child’s immunisation record to finalise the enrolment.

Please note, submitting an Application for Enrolment does not guarantee you will receive a place at the school. The school will notify you in writing of the outcome of your application,and provide Part B – Enrolment Forms for completion.

Download Application form

Completed enrolments forms can be submitted electronically to Beaumaris.PS@education.wa.edu.au

School Tours

Prospective families are invited to attend a tour of the school, led by our student leaders.

Tours are held by appointment only. To book a tour, or if you have any questions, please contact us by email at beaumaris.ps@education.wa.edu.au or call 6206 3100.